《马头》高清 mp4 迅雷下载 MP4 手机电影 80s 手机电影

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1. 建议使用IE浏览器。
2. 本站提供的都是高清晰--高质量的影片。
3. 支持苹果系统,ipad以及iphone,android等设备。
4. 本站与迅雷是金牌合作关系,所以只提供迅雷下载.
5. 如有问题请联系站长本站有意出售!!!


Since her childhood| Jessica has been haunted by recurrent nightmares whose meaning escapes her. This peculiarity has led her to study the psychophysiology of dreams
and to follow a therapy with Sean| her mentor and boyfriend| to try and understand the origin of her nightmares. Following the death of her maternal grandmother she
hardly knew| Jessica reluctantly returns to the family home. She doesn't get along with her mother very well and is not looking forward to seeing her again. Upon her
arrival| Jessica discovers that her late grandmother is lying in the adjoining room to her own during the wake. After a rough first night made restless by a strange
nightmare in which she meets her dead grandmother| Jessica suddenly becomes ill. Stuck in bed with a high fever| the young woman decides to use her lethargic state
to try out lucid dreaming. In order to do so| and on Sean's advice| Jessica breathes a little bit of ether whenever she needs to sink deeper into the other world to
try and ...

